Neural Style Transfer is a deep neural network technique that extracts feature representations from images, optimizes them to minimize content and style loss, and uses techniques like gradient descent to adjust the image iteratively.
Neural style transfer involves separating high-level structure and objects from textures, patterns, and artistic elements. This process involves extracting features at different layers of a neural network, enabling the recombination of content from one image with style from another.
Neural Style Transfer is a technique that applies renowned artworks or visual elements to existing images, enhancing visual content and enhancing photo and video editing, as well as studying neural network perception.
A pre-trained VGG19 CNN is divided into 6 slices and the output feature maps from each slice is taken as the network output. The content image is passed through this custom VGG19 and the 5th feature map is taken as the content target. Then, the style image is also passed through this custom VGG19 and the Gram matrices for each set of feature maps is calculated and treated as the taret gram matrices.
Once the target content feature maps and target style gram matrices have been calculated, we initialize an optimizing image (either same as the content image, or random noise) which will be optimized to acquire the target content and style.
At every step, this optimizing image is passed through the custom CNN and the difference between
its content feature map & style gram matrices and the target content & style is calculated as a weighted loss.
Once the loss is calculated, we backpropagate it through the network to the image pixel values themselves. Then, we change the values of the pixels in the image itself in order to minimize the loss that we have calculated.
This optimization process can be carried out through some standard optimization techniques like Adam or LBFGS. At each iteration of the optimization procedure, we change the values of the pixels in the optimizing image and the proces is repeated for a certain number of epochs or until we reach a certain optimal value for the loss function.
This module defines VGG16 and VGG19 neural network architectures. These networks are used for feature extraction from images, specifically for capturing content and style information.
Go to the codeThis module contains functions to load and preprocess images. It converts image data to tensors, applies normalization, and prepares them for input to the neural network.
Go to the codeThis file is responsible for the core of the style transfer process. It initializes the optimizing image and performs style transfer optimization on the image, using the configuration specified by the user.
Go to the code[I]
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Alex Prateek Shankar : +91-96545-72100
Sneh Shah : +91-94289-11398
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